English Globally, Learning Widely.

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Koneksi Antar Materi - Kesimpulan dan Refleksi Modul 1.1

Oleh: Tomy Widiyanto, S.Pd.
SD Negeri 1 Banyuurip

Sebelum saya memperlajari modul 1.1, saya beranggapan bahwa saya sebagai guru memandang peserta didik ibarat sebuah kertas kosong, pembelajaran bertarget pada kurikulum, peserta didik memiliki keseragaman dalam berpikir, dan guru berhak memberikan hukuman kepada peserta didik bahkan dengan hukuman berat yang tak ada dasarnya sekalipun. Selain itu, saya dulu selalu menerapkan pembelajaran yang berpusat pada guru dimana metode ceramah adalah suatu metode favorit yang mudah untuk diterapkan tanpa memperhatikan ketertarikan, minat, dan potensi peserta didik dalam mengikuti keaktifan pembelajaran. Karena m
asih berpusat pada seorang guru sebagai pusat ilmu sehingga kemandirian dan keaktifan peserta didik masih sangat kurang. Dalam konteks proses pembelajaran, saya masih kurang memahami tentang kenyamanan peserta didik dan memerdekakan mereka dalam belajar sehingga menurut saya apabila mereka mengikuti pembelajaran dengan tenang memperhatikan guru saat menjelaskan materi, tepat waktu dalam mengumpulkan tugas-tugas mereka, serta selalu hadir di kelas atau tidak pernah alpha/bolos maka saya anggap para peserta didik tersebut telah mencapai suatu keberhasilan dalam belajar. Disisi lain, saya berpikir bahwa peserta didik dapat dikatakan berhasil dalam belajar apabila mereka mengikuti pembelajaran dengan saya dengan penuh ketaatan dan kedisiplinan, kemudian mereka dapat menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan dari saya dengan baik dan benar serta memperoleh nilai-nilai yang bagus sesuai dengan tuntutan kurikulum. Namun, setelah saya mempelajari Modul 1.1, saya dapat menemukan suatu kesimpulan serta dapat merefleksikan bahwa pendidikan sejatinya memiliki suatu tujuan untuk menuntun segala kodrat baik alam maupun zaman yang dimilik oleh setiap peserta didik agar mereka dapat mencapai keselamatan dan kebahagiaan setinggi-tingginya sebagai manusia dan anggota masyarakat. 

Kodrat alam  berkaitan dengan sifat dan bentuk lingkungan dimana peserta didik berada atau karakter dan sifat dasar yang dimiliki oleh peserta didik. Pendidikan yang memperhitungkan kodrat alam akan memberikan ruang bagi peserta didik untuk mengembangkan diri sesuai dengan potensi masing-masing. Misalnya, seorang anak dengan kecenderungan seni akan lebih berkembang jika mendapatkan pendidikan yang mendukung pengembangan bakat seninya. Untuk itu dalam hal ini guru harus memberikan kebebasan pada peserta didik untuk mengembangkan ide, berpikir kreatif, mengembangkan bakat atau minatnya. Tapi yang perlu digaris bawahi bahwa kebebasan tersebut bukanlah kebebasan mutlak, karena peserta didik membutuhkan tuntunan dan arahan dari pendidik. Sedangkan kodrat zaman berkaitan dengan isi dan irama artinya konten pengetahuan yang diadopsi berdasarkan sosial budaya Indonesia dan perkembangan zaman. Lalu, mengapa pendidikan harus memperhatikan kodrat zaman, sebenarnya alasannya cukup sederhana. Karena keterampilan yang harus dikuasai juga terus berkembang, sehingga pendidikan harus mampu menciptakan peserta didik yang memiliki kemampuan sesuai dengan zamannya.

Menurut pemikiran Ki Hadjar Dewantara, pendidikan seyogyanya menghamba pada peserta didik. 
Hal terpenting yang harus dilakukan seorang guru adalah menghormati dan memperlakukan peserta didik dengan sebaik-baiknya sesuai kodratnya, melayani mereka dengan setulus hati, memberikan teladan (ing ngarso sung tulodho), membangun semangat (ing madyo mangun karso) dan memberikan dorongan (tut wuri handayani) bagi tumbuh kembangnya peserta didik. Menuntun mereka menjadi pribadi yang terampil, berakhlak mulia dan bijaksana sehingga mereka akan mencapai kebahagiaan dan keselamatan setinggi-tingginya dalam hidupnya. Ketika seorang guru memuliakan peserta didik, maka tanpa disadari dalam diri mereka akan tumbuh rasa nyaman, percaya diri dan bahagia. Kondisi ini akan bisa memudahkan peserta didik untuk menyerap ilmu pengetahuan yang guru sampaikan sehingga akan membawa hasil belajar yang memuaskan. Perubahan pendekatan yang awalnya Teacher Centered menjadi Student Centered juga dapat didefinisikan sebagai pendidikan yang menghamba pada anak; artinya pendidikan dengan pembelajaran yang berpusat pada peserta didik. Saya sebagai guru memberikan kebebasan kepada peserta didik untuk belajar berdasarkan pengalamannya sendiri sehingga mereka dapat berpartisipasi secara aktif, dan selalu ditantang untuk berpikir kritis.

Ada pepatah mengatakan “bagaimana contoh, begitulah gubahnya” artinya: peserta didik selalu meniru tauladan gurunya, seorang anak selalu mencontoh kelakuan orangtuanya. Berkaitan menuntun dalam konteks pendidikan anak mengacu pada peran orang tua atau pendidik dalam membimbing, mengarahkan, dan mendukung perkembangan anak-anak mereka secara positif.  Dalam hal memahami nilai-nilai, norma-norma, dan etika yang baik. Contohnya, nilai-nilai Pancasila yg terkandung dalam Kurikulum Merdeka (beriman dan bertakwa kepada Tuhan YME, berkebinekaan global, gotong royong mandiri, kreatif, dan bernalar kritis), berbicara santun dan tidak menggunakan nada tinggi ketika berbicara kepada orangtua, menunduk ketika berjalan dihadapan orang lain, membuang sampah sesuai tempatnya, tidak membuat keributan dikelas ataupun sekolahan, tidak korupsi, menghormati dan bertoleransi terhadap sesama yang berbeda suku dan agama, menjenguk orang sakit, mentaati peraturan yang diberlakukan di lingkungan setempat, bersikap jujur, disiplin dan bertanggungjwab. Tentunya hal ini didasari dengan penanaman budi pekerti sesuai dengan pemikiran KHD yaitu perpaduan cipta (kognitif), karsa (afektif), dan karya (psikomotor). 

Supaya kelas yang saya ampu dapat mencerminkan pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan pemikiran Ki Hadjar Dewantoro maka ada beberapa hal yang akan saya terapkan diantaranya saya akan mengidentifikasi karakteristik peserta didik terkait kebiasaannya, gaya belajarnya, kemampuannya dalam menyerap materi pelajaran, serta bakat dan minat yang peserta didik miliki. Kemudian, saya akan merancang dan melaksanakan pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan peserta didik, menerapkan pembelajaran yang menyenangkan, bermakna, dan merdeka. Saya juga akan membuat kesepakatan di kelas bersama seluruh peserta didik kelas agar mereka tidak merasa terpaksa dan lebih bertanggung jawab melaksanakan kesepakatan. Saya akan menjadi teladan dan pemberi semangat atau dorongan dalam menanamkan nilai-nilai karakter peserta didik. Dengan saya mengajar menyesuaikan kodrat alam dan kodrat zaman peserta didik, saya ketika mengajar tidak harus berada didalam ruang kelas saja tetapi bisa melibatkan kondisi diluar sekolah atau lingkungan yang ada dan semaksimal mungkin memanfaatkan teknologi yang berkembang di zaman saat ini sehingga memudahkan saya dalam mengimplementasikan pengajaran yang inovatif, kreatif, dan menyenangkan.  Selain itu, saya akan melakukan pendekatan secara emosional kepada peserta didik maupun orang tua guna mencari solusi terbaik dalam setiap kendala yang dihadapi oleh peserta didik dan bersama-sama menuntun mereka untuk mencapai keselamatan dan kebahagiaan setinggi-tingginya dalam hidup mereka.

Demikian kesimpulan dan refleksi Modul 1.1 mengenai pemikiran dan filosofi pendidikan oleh Bapak Pendidikan Nasional Ki Hadjar Dewantara yang telah saya pelajari sebagai pengetahuan dan pengalaman baru untuk perubahan diri dan lingkungan yang lebih baik dan tentunya untuk diterapkan di kelas dan satuan pendidikan saya mengajar. 


Thursday, January 20, 2022


PANDA Panda is like bear as their bodies are typical. It has two main colors which are white and black. Panda’s fur is seen dominantly in white. While the legs, ears, eyes, and also the muzzle are fully black fur. In the past, panda lived in South and East China and It was also found in part of Myanmar and Vietnam. Today, panda is seen vastly in forest area in Sinchuan, Gangsu, and Shaanxi of China. Panda looks cute even though it is normally a wild animal. Because of its strength, panda potentially becomes a frightful animal. Presented by: Nur Fauziah Rohmah IX.J SMP Al Musyaffa

Greeting Cards

Wednesday, October 16, 2019


WORKSHEET CHAPTER 4: Instruction, Invitation, & Permission

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Monday, May 13, 2019


For those who interested in measuring English proficiency, you are often confused what the test should be taken. Here you will find the differences between the two tests; the TOEIC and the TOEFL, what for are two of them related to your work or study?

Both the TOEIC and the TOEFL are English proficiency exam that sourced from ETS (Educational Testing Service), USA. The TOEIC focuses on business English. It is generally thought of as a work-related English proficiency exam. However, a surprising number of US universities and degree programs will accept the TOEIC as an alternative to the TOEFL or IELTS. The TOEIC is taken to measure English proficiency as a communication tool in global zone. The TOEFL is considered as a condition for students in education process. The TOEIC is required to company recruitment, a basic measurement of English proficiency in a company, it is used for handling pre and post English training. The TOEFL is mostly needed to apply overseas scholarship.


1.     Most students find the TOEIC to be easier than the TOEFL. Business language tends to be simpler and more straightforward than academic English. In addition, most schools will only ask you to take the Reading & Listening TOEIC. The exam is shorter than the TOEFL and tests just two skills instead of 4.
2.     In addition to taking less time, the TOEIC costs less than the TOEFL. For fees outside of the US, contact your regional TOEIC office.
3.     The TOEIC is sometimes actually preferred by business degree programs, especially MBAs.
4.     The TOEIC doubles as a workplace qualification at many jobs. It is sometimes even used on work-based immigration applications.


1.     The TOEIC is not as universally accepted as the TOEFL. Schools that do accept the TOEIC usually prefer to accept students with TOEFL scores.
2.     TOEIC is less available than the TOEFL. There are only about 50 testing sites for TOEIC Reading & Listening in the United States. International testing sites are not even listed on the ETS website.
3.     Easier is not always better. Preparing for the TOEFL also helps you prepare for the demands of academic English and English-language campus living. The TOEIC is easier to pass, but is not designed to prepare you for study and school life.
4.     The TOEIC can be a quicker, more affordable path to acceptance in an English-language school. It is an especially desirable test in many schools of business management. This exam is also useful if you want a job in an English-language workplace after you finish your studies.
5.     The TOEIC is not really designed for academic purposes, and is less available than other exams. 

About Tomy Widiyanto
Tomy is English teacher at Kendal, Central Java, Indonesia. He has Bachelor degree in English language education from Walisongo State Islamic University, Semarang. He has been teaching English for teens and adults since 2012 and has worked with students from every culture. Currently, Tomy focuses on teaching English for vocational high students in his hometown and also has built a language learning center, Widiyanto Professional Academy.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Writing General Essays

Writing an Essay
If you have never written an essay before, or if you struggle with writing and want to improve your skills, it is a good idea to go through several steps in the essay writing process.
For example, to write an essay, you should generally:
·         Decide what kind of essay to write.
·         Brainstorm your topic.
·         Do research.
·         Develop a thesis.
·         Outline your essay.
·         Write your essay.
·         Edit your writing to check spelling and grammar.

Kinds of Essays
The first step to writing an essay is to decide what kind of essay to write. There are several main structures into which essays can be grouped:
·         Narrative Essays: Tell a story or impart information about your subject in a straightforward, orderly manner.
·         Descriptive Essays: Focus on the details of what is going on. For example, if you want to write a descriptive essay about your trip to the park, you would give great detail about what you experienced: how the grass felt beneath your feet, what the park benches looked like, and anything else the reader would need to feel as if he were there.
·         Persuasive Essay: Convince the reader of some point of view.
·         Comparative Essay: Compare two or more different things.
·         Expository Essay: Explain to the reader how to do a given process. You could, for example, write an expository essay with step-by-step instructions on how to make a peanut butter sandwich.

A lot goes in to writing a successful essay; fortunately, these tips for writing essays can help you along the way and get you on the path to a well-written essay.
All essays should include the following structure

Essay paragraphs
A paragraph is a related group of sentences that develops one main idea. Each paragraph in the body of the essay should contain:
  • topic sentence that states the main or controlling idea.
  • Supporting sentences to explain and develop the point you’re making
  • Evidence. Most of the time, your point should be supported by some form of evidence from your reading, or by an example drawn from the subject area.
  • Analysis. Don’t just leave the evidence hanging there - analyse and interpret it! Comment on the implication/significance/impact and finish off the paragraph with a critical conclusion you have drawn from the evidence.
  • concluding sentence that restates your point, analyses the evidence or acts as a transition to the next paragraph.

Example of Essay
          State College of Accountancy (Indonesian: Politeknik Keuangan Negara STAN, abbreviated as PKN STAN) is a government-affiliated college in Indonesia, located in Banten, in Bintaro Sector V Southern Tangerang. It is under the auspices of the finance ministry of the Republic of Indonesia that offers undergraduate degrees in finance. There are many facilities and advantages provided by this college so there is no wonder that many people expect to be able to study here. I am one of the fresh-graduated senior high school students who was given the opportunity to be able to study in this college. It is not an easy journey to struggle in order to be accepted at State College of Accountancy. Many people spend their time, money, and energy to realize their desire to study here. Then, if it is difficult, why do I still choose State College of Accountancy and not try to study elsewhere? What are the reasons for choosing State College of Accountancy to study?
          I have several reasons why I chose State College of Accountancy, including:

Free Tuition
State College of Accountancy is a government-affiliated college which means that the college is administered and funded by the government of Indonesia through the institution it is affiliated to. This affiliation with the government results in cost of education not being charged to the students of the college. With the free tuition fee, I hope that I can ease the burden on my parents. Because at this time, the required cost to study at another university is very expensive. The graduates of this college are obliged to serve in government institutions. Therefore, all graduates from the college will work as civil servants. I completely believe that it will provide a bright future. No wonder this college is very "hunted" by many people. As we know that nowdays finding job is adequately difficult, whereas if we study and graduate from State College of Accountancy, we will be guaranteed to get work. In hence, studying at this college is very profitable.

Pride of Parents
One of the reasons why I attended at State College of Accountancy was because my parents wanted me here. At first I did not know what the college was, even I refused if I would be asked to study here until I realized that there is no parent wanted something bad for the child. After I searched and learned about the advantages of studying in State College of Accountancy rather than studying in other universities, I began to commit and struggle to be able to study in this college. I think that studying at State College of Accountancy provides many benefits for the Diploma 1 Taxation academic program that I took. By studying for a year we can get the experience of internship programs, salary, job after graduation, and make our parents proud of. In addition, according to Mr. Sudirman Said said that studying in State College of Accountancy as a shorcut to improve social status for the better.

          Everyone must have eagerness to study at the best university as a means to achieve their goals. For me, studying at State College of Accountancy is one of my desires that will realize my dream of becoming a tax officer. Of course, it takes a struggle to be able to study in this college. If I can dream something, I will make it happen. Passion, fatigue, tears, hard work, all became part of my process to be able to study at State College of Accountancy. I must be diligent, focussed, or even get out of luxury of adolescence. Time is everything for me, either gold or money. So, my dreams are my main focus.


Monday, February 18, 2019

8 Tips to Help You Win Every Debate Competition

1. Be Confident and Well-Prepared

Prepare well for ‘Debate Topic’. Do research on the topicwrite notes for important points. memorise important topics, do counter preparation, and don’t take the stress. If you feel nervousness, then take a mock debate with your friends so that you can overcome the anxiety.

2. Introduction

a) The first affirmative speaker does not have to talk about any arguments from the other team. They can focus on presenting their team’s case in a way that gets attention. The first speaker should have the skills of an actor.

b) The second speaker, on the other hand, should be more of an “arguer”. They should enjoy finding weaknesses in opposing arguments and coming up with strong counter-arguments. The final speakers, or “closers”, should have excellent logical thinking and be able to think of rebuttals (answers to the other team’s arguments) on the spot, as it’s difficult to know beforehand what the opposition will say.

c) The third speaker needs to advance the team’s stance while countering the main points made by the first speaker of the other team. They need to be cool and clear, almost like a teacher.

3. Know Your Audience

You should know that the audience includes a panel of judges, school students, and participating students as well as other teachers. Therefore, you need to maintain your posture, gestures and interaction with your audience.

4. Respect and Self-Control

While you are doing a debate, you will be required to discuss in favour or against the topic, so you need to maintain that you are part of a formal discussion. You must not take anything personally. Just be calm and put forth your points about the debate. If you do not maintain your calm and firmness in front of an audience then you may lose scores from the judges.   

5. Facts and Theory

Even though your own arguments are the most important, far too many debaters discount the importance of referring to evidence, especially that read in the early speeches. Delivering evidence can help you seek the attention of the judges as well as the audience. Also, the data should be authentic so that your opponent can not raise doubts about it. Using theories and numbers can help your win brownie points.

6. Praise Your Opponents

Pay attention to your opponent’s view and theories during the debate. Moreover, whenever they make a good and valid point during the debate then, you should be affirmative about it and should agree with them. Agreeing to their valid points can be affirmative of your view too and judges will appreciate that you have knowledge of the topic.

7. Time Management

Each speaker has a time limit of three minutes. They must find the balance between speaking quickly and expressing points clearly. The best way to manage your time in a debate is to practice a lot. Find out if you’re speaking too slowly or too quickly, and fix it.

8. Remember that Debate is a Team Activity

Even if you are stronger than your partner, you shouldn’t take over their speech or answer all of their questions in cross-examination. Make sure that you and your partner are going over arguments together so that you can teach each other the best arguments to make.