English Globally, Learning Widely.

Thursday, February 14, 2019



The simplest way:

Countable nouns take MANY.
Eg.: 100 friends --- Many friends.

Uncountable nouns take MUCH.

Eg.: 100 money (Incorrect) --- Much money.

You can't count money, but you would name the currency and say that you have $50, €5, £20.

Here's some more explanations on MANY and MUCH

The word MANY and MUCH mean A LOT OF.
• If a noun is plural, we use MANY.
Eg.: many friends, many houses.
• If a noun is singular, we use MUCH.
Eg.: much money, much water.

In everyday English, we normally use MUCH / MANY in questions and negative clauses.
• How much money do you have?
• Sandy doesn't have many friends.

In positive clauses with SO, AS, or TOO, we also use MUCH / MANY.
• Sandy has SO many friends.
• She has AS many friends as Martha.
• Jack has TOO much money.Decide whether you have to use MANY or MUCH.

Go Exercise!
1. There's too _______ water in the bathtub.
2. How _______ brothers and sisters does Anne have?
3. I don't receive _______ letters nowadays.
4. I put too _______ salt in the soup.
5. It doesn't make _______ sense.
6. How _______ people were at the party.
7. There wasn't _______ traffic on the motorway.
8. My grandfather doesn't have _______ hair anymore.
9. Hurry up! I don't have so _______ time.
10. Too _______ cooks spoil the broth.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

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